What type of Bipolar Disorder do you have?

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

One Of Those Days

You know when it's just been one of those days..? When you just want to go and curl up into a little ball and cry? To totally forget everything and just disappear?

Well yeah.. It's been one of THOSE days. And I don't even really know why. It's the last week of school before we break up before 6 weeks of a (hopefully) lovely summer holiday. So been on a school trip ice skating and the beach, the weather was pretty odd but that's to be expected.
So I don't know really.. I don't know what to blame my completely awful mood on.. I never like turning to Bipolar as an excuse for my feelings but this is one of those days when I really don't know what else to think. Sure it's not been the most perfect day.. I had a short conversation then a falling out with the person that means the most to me. But these things happen, they've happened before in a much worse way and no doubt they'll happen again. But today it was somehow different, just like I couldn't deal with anything. And maybe that is Bipolar or maybe that's just me losing grip on things completely, or maybe it's just Bipolar adding to the stress of any normal person, I really don't know.
And I think that's going to be one of the themes of my blog, my not knowing. I'm not gonna be a blogger that has all the answers for you. I'm just gonna be a person that you might be able to relate to and find some kind of support off. So like I've said in previous blogs.. feel free to ask question or comment. I'll do what I can to help you. 
So anyway.. If it was linked to bipolar.. this is what I've learnt:
I've learnt that people all have a different opinion on things, and there's always positives and negative to everything.
People have told my Rapid Cycling Bipolar is the worst kind. But I don't think there is a worst kind really, they're just different. In some ways, knowing I have Rapid Cycling Bipolar helps.. It's kind of like however shit I feel someone just has to remind me and it's like well in a day or two it'll all be okay. I know that's probably not the most scientific way of looking at it, and obviously you never know how long you may feel one way for, but that's just how I see it. But there's also the negatives of it being to Rapid Cycling that people don't understand, even people who know about your condition can't understand how it works, why one minute you're happy as anything and the next you're not. And arguments happen through not understanding, so the most important thing to me is to try to get people to understand. To raise awareness, not of me, just generally of Bipolar and how it effects different people. I'm not saying people not understanding is unique to Rapid Cycling Bipolar, I'm sure it's not, but I think it's more dramatic, the changes are less gradual and pretty full on. Anyway that's all I really wanted to say and I'm kind of getting into a subject that could take hours to explain so lets save the good and bad of different types of Bipolar Disorder for a different blog entry.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you. I hate blaming my bad days on bipolar but sometimes there seems to be no other logical explanation. But if anyone else blames my bad day on bipolar, then watch out...I come unglued!
